The Fermo Lid
While living and working in an architecture job in DC my passed time was tinkering at the local makerspace. Fermo was an example of that tinkering going rogue! A small observation led to 2 US patents, a registered business and a licensing deal with a biodegradable packaging company!

In addition the lid replaces the conventional spout with a reservoir that helps users cool their drink without needing to wait or remove the lid!

Fermo was a great experience in self learning and perseverance. In a very short amount of time I had to learn about the legalities of intellectual property, understand the market I am working in and develop a viable business strategy.

The design is unique in that it is splash inhibiting but at the same cost of conventional lids. Instead of making new components to plug the drink opening the design reorients the openings so that liquid has no easy way out!

During the project I became increasingly aware of the damage plastic production is having on the environment. This was a big concern as I have already invested in the project. The only option I had was to pivot to exclusively biodegradable materials. (Currently working on a deal with a company in California)
Please see the video through the website;
Password: Fermo2020