Uganda Vacc+
Uganda Vacc+ is a Bill & Melinda Gates funded project, looking into how to improve the quality, timeliness and use of clinical based immunisation data while keeping the needs of front-end health workers in mind. The project seeks to create new linkages across the different partners that work in the immunisation space and encourage new collaboration.
Frontend health workers are the backbone of the facilities. They are burdened with a heavy workload in an under resourced environment that affects their ability to deliver the best quality service. They also have to work with redundant and inefficient data capture tools that add to their workload and deepen their demotivation.

Through our field research we noticed that each facility is a difference context, due to size, budget and patient flows. That meant that no two facilities had the same exact procedure. In such a situation the question became; how can we develop a solution that factors in these differences and can be adjustable across facilities?

Through engaging the various stakeholders we notices that many of them are working in silos; totally isolated from each other. While at the same time we noticed that their could be opportunities for collaboration and innovation if we are able to bring the different parties together.

While we found many oppertitunity points the main challenge was to address the staff needs and motivations. Through a number of co-creation workshop we were able to co-design those solutions, define features and prioritize the most urgent needs.